Cat Development

The Future of Discord Bots

Bot Invite Links
Anonymous Email

Did you just meet a random stranger online asking for your email? Use this bot to generate an email! Just do !!start to get an email and !!change to change it! Make sure to read the bot’s tos and privacy policy in the support server! All your emails are deleted after 3 days! The emails you received are CONFIDENTIAL. Only you can see it!**


**Why should I invite this waving blob???**
This is the MOST custimizable bot that is 100% FREE!! CUSTOMIZABLE!!! With the ability to choose fonts and a backgrond FOR FREE, this is definitely the best welcome bot! You can can also set DM messages!🤯
**That sound's SO complicated to setup!**
It's easy! Our bot defaults are already pretty good, just do the commands ??set 1 true and ??set 8 true AND ??set 7 (channel). You are good to go!

**AHHHH, but I am one of the people who like fancy stuff and custom fonts and backgrounds. Is seems SO hard to set that up!** It's the easiest thing in the world!

Enable/Disable Join Messages: ??set 1 true/false
Change Background: ??set 2 (background image URL)
Change Image Message: ??set 3 (message)
Change Message: ??set 4 (message)
Mention: ??set 5 true/false
Display Member Count: ??set 6 true/false
Join Message Channel: ??set 7 (channel)
Set font: ??set 8 (font)
Enable/Disable DM Messages: ??set 9 true/false
Set DM message: ??set 10 (message)

You probably forgot to set a channel with ??set 7 (channel)
Or you probably didn't enable it with ??set 1 true


**Get INSTANT Weather/Astronomy data for free!**
With the simple commands seen in ++help you can get data from almost everywhere! You can search by name, zip codes, and even from an IP Address!

We guarantee a 95% uptime!*

*Excluding maintenance and updates.
**Unless required by law or for investigation. is not affilated with Discord in any way.
© All rights reserved 2020 (Magical Cat#9771)